Shaun Morton Voiceovers

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Hunting in the Outback

Earlier this year, I had the thrilling opportunity to lend my voice to my third video game for 2023 so far. After portraying a Tank Commander and diving into the adrenaline-fueled world of motorcycle racing, it was time for something a bit more serene.

Enter the game, theHunter: Call of the Wild.

I wasn’t initially familiar with this niche hunting game. My preference usually leans towards all-out action shooters. But as I started to dig into theHunter: Call of the Wild, I was blown away by its meticulous attention to detail and the depth of research behind it. The game boasts several expansion packs that take players on hunting adventures around the globe, and now it was heading to Australia.

The project was directed by the incredibly talented Kirsty Gillmore. During the process, I also had the pleasure of meeting Taryn Ryan in person. This wasn’t the first time we’d worked together as she had voiced the female half of the audiobook If I Tell You I’ll Have to Kill You: Australia’s Top Crime Writers Reveal Their Secrets, while I had voiced the male half. What a small world!

Working on theHunter: Call of the Wild was a fantastic experience. Seeing the final product is immensely gratifying. I hope players find as much joy in playing the game as I did contributing to it, exploring the beautifully crafted landscapes and immersing themselves in the adventure.

Just remember, when you’re out there, watch out for the dropbears!



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