Shaun Morton Voiceovers

Commercial Demos

The voice that speaks for you

In a world inundated with marketing messages, standing out is essential. And the right voice can make all the difference. The right voice can be the heartbeat of your brand.

That’s where I come in, as a voiceover artist with a versatile range and the ability to accurately represent the essence of your brand.

Your brand isn’t just a product or a service; it’s an experience. It has its own personality, its unique tone, and a distinct feel that resonates with your audience. And capturing that essence in your commercial is paramount.

With my skills as a voiceover artist, I offer more than just a voice – I offer an understanding of the importance of brand representation. Whether you’re aiming for a friendly and approachable tone, a sophisticated and authoritative demeanor, or anything in between, I have the ability to adapt my voice to match your brand’s personality flawlessly.

Shaun Morton Voiceovers Logo

Kayak Car Hire

Upbeat and Friendly


Cheerful and Warm

Nationwide Banking

Casual and Thoughtful

Macmillan Cancer Support

Caring and Warm

LV Insurance

Warm and Friendly


Multiple Characters

National Tyres

Harder Sell

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Ready to give your script a voice?

Get in touch today for a quote and a FREE custom voice demo!