Shaun Morton Voiceovers

Character Demo

From pixels to performance

Let me share a little secret with you: this is where my passion truly ignites.

With over two decades as a seasoned professional actor and my journey as a voice coach, I’ve cultivated a deep understanding of the power of voice in shaping narratives. It’s not just about making funny voices (although I can do those too!), but about finding the truth in every character, every line, every emotion.

In animation and gaming, authenticity is key. What truly resonates with audiences is a voice that rings true, that captures the essence of the character and the story they inhabit.

As a voiceover artist, I believe in the importance of storytelling. Each character I voice is more than just words on a script—they’re living, breathing beings with their own hopes, fears, and dreams. Whether it’s a whimsical fairy, a fierce warrior, or a quirky NPC, I immerse myself fully in their world, channeling their essence with every word spoken.

Shaun Morton Voiceovers Logo

Science Fiction Gaming

Natural voice

Battle Gaming

Exagerated Australian accent

Medieval Gaming

RP multiple characters

Wildlilfe Gaming

General American accent

Cartoon Characters

Various voices

Australian Characters

Multiple Australian

Childrens Story

Various voices

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Ready to give your script a voice?

Get in touch today for a quote and a FREE custom voice demo!